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Thank you to the Johnson Pond Learning Center for coming to learn more about the food pantry and donating 114 pounds of food! See MoreSee Less

Thank you to the Johnson Pond  Learning Center for coming to learn more about the food pantry and donating 114 pounds of food!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you Johnson pond center

Thank you for reaching out to your neighbors…. 💛🌻🐝

Our pantry just received several pet supply items such as doggie doors, crates, etc. They are on the shelf beside the shed if you are in need. See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

do you still have these ?

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We are an emergency food pantry, so we will have some staff working. But if it isn’t an emergency for you, please stay home and stay safe. See MoreSee Less

Visit the Food Pantry this morning if possible, due to potential inclement weather on Thursday. Check our page for updates. We are planning to be open for limited service on Thursday, August 8th. If it is not safe to travel, please delay visit until Tuesday. See MoreSee Less